Answered By: Research Center Desk
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2022     Views: 753

Did you know you can book group study rooms online, as well as from within the library?  Book online using the “Group Study” button on the library homepage. You will be redirected to a My DU portal used to reserve these rooms, where you can login using your usual DU credentials. Be sure to "Submit" your room reservation and check for a confirmation email before logging out and navigating away from the My DU Room Reservations system.

Library homepage with "Group Study Rooms" link highlighted.

You can book a room while you are in the library using the digital control panels outside the door of each group study room following the instructions posted by each control panel.

A few things to remember:

  • If you want to use a vacant study room, check the digital panel outside the room to see the next reservation time for the room.
  • Walk-ins? Remember to book at the door using the control panel so you aren’t bumped by another group booking online!
  • Group study rooms are intended for 2 or more students, not for individual use.  There are individual quiet study areas throughout the library. Try the Deep Quiet Study Room on the upper level or the wood study carrels on all three levels if you want to study alone and quietly.

Good luck with your studies!

Comments (2)

  1. The link seems to be broken currently. Are there new procedures or a different process due to COVID right now? Thanks so much.
    by Carolyn Benard on Nov 17, 2021
  2. Hi Carolyn, Group study rooms are currently available on a first-come, first-served basis due to an IT network issue. They will be available for reservations once the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your question! Meg
    by Meg Eastwood on Nov 18, 2021