Answered By: Esther Gil Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023 Views: 3629
University Libraries has online access to articles published in Harvard Business Review (HBR) through Business Source Complete, a subscription-based database. (If you are an instructor who wants to use specific articles to HBR, you should contact Harvard Business School Publishing to set up a course pack. See more information below.) To access this resource and find articles in this periodical take the following steps:
- Go to the library homepage and navigate to the "Databases" link under the Compass search box.
- Enter "Business Source Complete" in the Databases search box.
- Once you retrieve the results page click on "Business Source Complete."
- Once you have retrieved the database's search interface, you will see some choices at the top - click on Publications.
- You will retrieve a page where you can browse publications.
- Enter Harvard business review in the browsing box.
- You will get a list of results. The first Harvard Business Review that is listed has the articles from the print version of this publication. Click on the box to the left of it to select it. If you want one of the other versions you can select them if you wish.
- Click on the Add button to add your choices to the search.
- Once you have your choice in the search box you can click on the search button or add another term to your search.
If you are an instructor who would like to use articles from HBR in a course, register for a new account (or sign in if you have one) on the publisher's Articles section of their website.
For Harvard's 24/7 Customer Service contact information, see below.
U.S./Canada: (800) 545 7685
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India: 000 800001 6935 (toll free)
Text: (800) 545 7685
Fax: +1 (617) 783 7666
If you have any other questions, please contact the Research Center, at University Libraries.
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